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Introduction: About the project, about the Green Building team

Nigel Bellingham
Director, British Council Czech Republic
David Gainer
Cultural attaché, American Embassy in the Czech Republic

Green Building team:

speaker Petr Vogel, Petr Kotek - about the project, our vision and future plans



Discussion 1: The architectural, technical and social aspects of green buildings


a-green 1. Green Architecture

speaker Rab Bennetts

Architect, Bennetts Arch (United Kingdom)

  • the principles and importance of ecological architecture
  • architects’ responsibility for sustainability when designing buildings
Rab Bennetts is a founder of the award-winning architectural practice Bennetts Associates and a Board Member of the UK Green Building Council. Since the pioneering Powergen Headquarters in 1991, Bennetts Associates’ portfolio has included many energy-efficient building projects, such as the Brighton Central Library, which was shortlisted for the Stirling Prize. In 2006 the practice was awarded the UK Architectural Practice of the Year.

a-green 2. New practices in architecture

speaker Petr Lešek

Architect, Projektil Architekti

  • theory of green architecture and specific case studies abroad but also in the Czech Republic
Petr Lešek works as an architect for Projektil Architekti, which designs town and building plans and new buildings, and works on reconstructions of residential and office buildings, including supervision. The company has contributed to e.g. the Sluňákov Environmental Education Centre in Olomouc and the National Technical Library in Prague.

a-green 3. Renewable and alternative sources of energy in buildings

speaker Randall Thomas

Department of Engineering, University of Cambridge (United Kingdom)

  • theory and practice in the installation of renewable and alternative energy sources in buildings
Thomas Randall lectures on sustainable urban design and the use of renewable energy sources at Kingston University and Cambridge University. He is the Royal Academy of Engineering Visiting Professor in Building Physics at the University of Cambridge and Professor of Sustainable Environmental Design at Kingston University.  A former director of Max Fordham LLP, he has designed and overseen projects throughout the United Kingdom.

a-green 4. The quality of the living and working environments in green buildings

speakerMiloslav Jokl

Department of Microenvironmenatl and Building Services Engineering, Civil Engineering Faculty, Czech technical University in Prague

  • questions of comfort, health and performance in living and working environments in green buildings
  • sustainability in buildings and the impact on the internal microclimate
Miloslav Jokl is a professor in technology for buildings at the Czech Technical University’s Faculty of Civil Engineering and an expert witness on civil engineering. He is the author of a large number of academic works, patents, draft legislation and books. For several decades he has published books on the internal environment in buildings, ventilation, air-conditioning and measuring. He is a member of the Society of Environmental Engineering, the International Society of the Built Environment and the New York Academy of Sciences.

a-green 5. The social aspects of green buildings

speakerAleš Brotánek


  • the importance of the human factor for the truly environmentally sustainable life of a building (enlisting people for a green project; potential secondary benefits for the building’s users, etc.)


Break                                                                                                                                                             17:00


Discussion 2: The Economic Aspects of Green Buildings


a-green 1. Green developer projects

speaker Jan Řežáb

Managing director, JRD

  • green developer projects, their added value on the market, profitability and benefits for society as a whole
  • examples of the economic aspects of various kinds of projects
Jan Řežáb is the founder and Managing Director of the company JRD s.r.o., which operates in housing development. JRD is the first and so far the only developer for low-energy apartment buildings in energy class A in the Czech Republic.

a-green 2. Bank incentives for green building projects

speaker Ira. S. Rubenstein

Investment banker, Bradley Woods & Co. Ltd. (USA)

  • bank incentives for building and revitalising environmentally sustainable buildings – their benefits for individuals and companies, and above all for the providers, i.e. banks
Ira S. Rubenstein is the senior consultant for investment banking and investments in renewable energy sources at Bradley Woods & Co. Ltd. He also works on support and projects in renewable energy sources in his private companies, Global Clean Technologies, Inc. and Homeland Energy Resources Development, Inc., as well as lecturing and investing in Central and Eastern Europe. He was a member of the study group that worked with Governor George Pataki of NY State to put into place (in 2000) the first comprehensive financial incentives package for green buildings in any state in the US.

a-green 3. State incentives for green building projects

speaker Petr Holub

Advisor to the Deputy Minister for Climate and Air Protection, Ministry of the Environment of the Czech Republic

  • current and future state policy to support environmentally sustainable buildings
Petr Holub serves as an adviser to the Deputy Minister - Director General for Climate and Air Protection at the Ministry of the Environment of the Czech Republic. Among other responsibilities, he coordinates preparation of the Green Investment Scheme to support energy efficiency and renewable energy measures in households, was responsible for developing criteria of the EU Structural Funds assigned for thermal modernisation of public buildings and leads a working group aiming to break legislative and administrative barriers to development of renewable energy sources in the Czech Republic.

a-green 4. The new developer project process, green cost management

speaker František Macholda

Business manager, EkoWATT, The Center for Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency

  • new approaches in the developer project process
  • integrated planning, the ecological and economic concept for buildings as a green cost management project
František Macholda is the business manager of the EkoWATT consultancy, which works on issues concerning energy, economics and the environment. František Macholda specialises in energy savings in buildings and low-energy buildings, energy audits for buildings and mathematical and physical modelling for energy balance sheets. He also works on the economics and financing of energy savings and renewable energy sources.

a-green 5. Economic returns on energy savings and the installation of renewable and alternative energy sources in buildings

speaker Jaroslav Knápek

Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Czech Technical University in Prague

  • the economic analysis of energy savings and the installation of renewable and alternative energy sources in buildings
  • correctly assessing economic benefits
Jaroslav Knápek is the head of the Department of Economics, Management and Humanities at the Czech Technical University’s Faculty of Electrical Engineering, and also lectures at the University of Economics in Prague. He teaches economics and management subjects, including the economics of renewable energy sources. Jaroslav Knápek has taken part in a variety of education projects and often lectures outside academia.

Banquet and informal discussion continuation


Moderator of the conference: Anthony (Chip) Caine, CEO Acred Group

Anthony Caine is the founder of the Acred Group and has a Master of Architecture degree from Princeton University in the United States. In 1995 he became the Director of the American company Hines, and was then the Residential Business Development Manager for the Skanska Group in Prague. Anthony Caine has lived in Prague since 1991.